Hamilton Resourcing is the official regional partner of APPICAL

Engage your new employees with great onboarding!

Onboarding is the biggest challange in improving Employee engagement
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Employees expressed dissatisfaction with their onboarding process
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Organizations with a standard onboarding process experience 50% greater productivity with their new hires
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of employees who had a structured onboarding process hit their first performance goals
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Interactive and bite-sized learning can improve performance by 17% and engagement by 50%. Use videos, GIFs, quizzes, checklists or other interactive media to make information stick.

“Yes! Today is the first day of my dream job! I’ve woken up early and full of energy and am ready to go. I get a tour around the office, shake hands with new colleagues and finally sit behind my computer. With a beautiful file folder that contains everything I need to know. Good luck!”

No, the first day of your dream job should definitely not look like this. That’s why there’s Appical, an online programme to onboard your employees fast, interactive and efficient. With Appical new colleagues will become familiar with the DNA of your company in an easily accessible manner, even before their first day. Through various games and assignment they will get to know the organization, their colleagues and the culture.

In the train, at home on the couch or in the queue at the grocery store, employees can start working on their own phone or tablet and at their own pace. Your advantage? On the first working day, the new employee can start right away! Appical is available for all common mobile devices, tablets and desktops.

Thanks to the 135.000+ employees at 150+ companies who work with Appical on a daily basis, we know exactly what’s important for a successful start!

Schedule your discovery!

Attract top talent and reduce attrition throughout the recruitment process.

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