

With 700+ million members in 200 countries, this undoubtedly is THE essential social / professional network for Job Seekers to connect with decision makers and increase their visibility in the right forums.

"Who you know is one of the most important factors in a job search."

However, the reality is, most Job Seekers are not ready to begin job search, don’t know how to search for jobs, where to begin, whom to approach. This is generally not a skill that individuals practice and perfect during the time of their employment, hence people are caught off guard, and sometimes takes months to get back into the ‘job-search’ mode. Moreover, most only start updating their resumes after they have been notified.

This is where we come in. With a decade of experience in Talent Acquisition, we know what the Employers are looking for, whom to connect with and how to “communicate” your value proposition to them professionally.

Instead of promoting jobs, we are promoting JOB SEEKERS.

What's your campaign strategy?





STEP 1: Campaign Application

Complete application & get a FREE CV Review


L10X is designed to help Job Seekers increase their visibility and grow their network on Linked based on the user defined audience.

After we have received your CAMPAIGN APPLICATION we will review your requirements and build the campaign based on your audience demographics. Once your CAMPAIGN SELECTION is processed, your campaign will be run.

We can run campaigns on all locations defined by the user.

All campaigns are run on your Linked account with your consent and approval. You will be able to see exactly how your network has grown and messages that have gone out.

Yes, we can run the campaign based on the strategy you have defined and your existing connections on Linked.

Yes you can if you have the time, communication skills and resources. We bring a decade of experience in Talent Acquisition along with communication skills to get your profile noticed by your target audience.