Bring the ultimate employee journey to a perfect end. With our offboarding program you retain knowledge, collect feedback and build on lasting relationships with former employees.

Sometimes it is not a perfect fit, lets make the best out of it.


Login to the web app, no download needed.

Complete the checklist, is everything ready for a good departure? Car keys handed in? Phone number forwarded?

Ask your colleagues to write a recommendation for you on LinkedIn

Give feedback about the organization, the processes and your supervisor

Send your former colleagues a farewell message with a selfie

View a ‘Thank you’ video of your Manager or CEO

Tip; use the feedback from the offboarding app to improve your pre- and onboarding app!

View the performance of your new staff at a glance.

Knowing how your new employee performs is important. We provide you with statistics such as total time spend learning, time per session, number of repeat visits and their score. In addition to these statistics, you can view and download individual user data, such as answers to the questions asked. Or view the photos and videos that your new employees have uploaded.