Almost every company has been affected by the COVID-19 virus. Companies are partially or completely closed and have sent employees home for weeks. It is now clear that ‘returning to the old normal’ is out of the question. Social distancing is the ‘new normal’ for the foreseeable future.

Now that employees will be able to return to their workplaces step-by-step, this poses the challenge of how to inform employees about new protocols and work instructions. Appical launched a reboarding app for companies of all sizes to safely reopen their doors for employees.​

How does it work?

Everyone Informed

With the reboarding app you can inform and keep employees informed in a simple, efficient manner. So you can:

  • Share the most up-to-date information from the government and WHO.
  • Share company-specific and even department-specific policies.
  • Have employees navigate through protocols.
  • Measure, prove and report progress.

Safe Collaboration

To promote safety in the workplace, the reboarding app allows:

  • To promote safety in the workplace, you can:
  • Self-learning on new safety and hygiene regulations.
  • To test employee knowledge on regulations through a quiz.
  • Employers to inform employees about agreements regarding physical distance, lunch, meetings, etc.
  • Sharing files such as new floor plans with employees.
  • Employees to communicate with their team in an accessible way via the in-app chat.


To ensure a productive reboarding, you can use the application to:

  • Preparing employees for their return.
  • Share checklists.
  • Set expectations.
  • Pulse checks through employee surveys.

The ultimate Reboarding checklist:

Now that employees will be able to return to their workplaces step-by-step, this poses the challenge of how to inform employees about new protocols and work instructions.

To get your reboarding program organized and focused, we created this reboarding checklist: Getting back to work.

Give your new hires the best reboarding experience. Get started!

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Reboarding employees can be tricky. This is how our platform can help!

How can you ensure all employees know what to expect for their first day back? The reboarding app has the following functionalities:

Accessible updates

Allow your employees to stay informed about the most recent protocols & safety regulations.

Knowledge assessment:

Test your employee’s awareness of the new protocols with various, interactive templates.

Frequently asked questions

Support your employees by offering clear and structured answers to anticipated questions. These can easily be updated!

Share documents

So that adapted working methods and manuals can be easily shared and signed after reading


The indispensable start to offer all employees a warm ‘welcome back’. Semi-personal and scalable.

Employees survey's

To test how every employees experience the ‘new normal’, and how happy and involved they are.


Which groups can be created by location and department. HR / Communication can be added to act immediately.

Congratulations, your employees are safely aware of the new protocols and work instructions!

Why use Appical for Reboarding

  • Works “stand-alone”
  • ISO 27001 certified & GDPR compliant
  • Proven effective technology
  • Easy to adjust and scalable, so always up to date
  • Multi-device
  • Standard information at branch level with customization per company
  • Clear reports & insight into usage