Onboarding is an important tool when integrating new employees, impacting their success and satisfaction early on. But good onboarding becomes especially essential when the new hires are operating remotely, as everything needs to be exchanged and communicated virtually. Here is how we can help you do this.

Set up new hires for success with a remote onboarding platform

  • Send a warm welcome through video
  • Go beyond with a smooth digital experience
  • Monitor the progress of your new employee
  • Bring across the company culture and values easier
  • Get new remote employees up to 75% faster productive
  • Share your remote work policy

Starting as a remote employee can be challenging. This is how we can help!

Make them feel at home and engaged from the start with a good virtual onboarding program

Send a warm welcome video

Make a great impression on new remote hires right from the beginning—otherwise, they may just leave.

Bring across your company in fun digital way

Introduce your purpose, vision & culture and make your new hires feel included and connected.

Real learning

Instead of reading 687 pages of the ‘new hire manual’, your new hires plays games, views videos and answers questions. That way, the knowledge will stick.

People Finder

In the People Finder, next to the faces, new hires will find critical information like role description, department, contact information and a bio with fun facts of their new colleagues.


The first days can be like an information tsunami, so we made sure they can find all the documents they need in one place.

Chat with a manager or buddy

Your new employee simply contacts his manager or buddy via the chat function

Direct feedback

The manager gives your new hire real-time feedback and, with a fresh perspective, the new hire lets the manager know which improvements are possible.

Congratulations, your new remote hires will feel right at home!