Social Media Search - Sourcing

As a Candidate.ID Service, Social Media Search works with in-house HR and talent acquisition teams to source candidates across a variety of social media channels. Our service is available as a stand-alone service or can be included as an ‘add on’ with our software offering as a way to build your candidate database. Our sourcing service is a cost-effective way to reach passive candidates, reduce your time-to-hire and increase your quality of hire.

Traditional Sourcing

Traditional sourcing processes are now defunct: hiring is no longer simple job adverts, followed by an influx of applicants that are stored in an ATS. Talent acquisition leaders must become brave explorers, searching for the very best talent. There exists an abundance of opportunities, channels and online portals from which recruiters can directly source high-quality, passive candidates…

Yield the power of online professional networks

Platforms such as LinkedIn have made it increasingly easy for recruiters to source the most passive candidates on the market. Using advanced search facilities, recruiters are able to connect with candidates and track their online activity. Delve into online networks and start connecting and engaging with a vast array of talent from across the globe.

Proactive Industry Scanning

Adopt a proactive approach to sourcing and seek out the highest quality candidates causing a stir within the industry. Be aware of trends within the industry and the key players driving them. Zero-in on top talent and use traditional means or existing networks to connect with then and initiate engagement.