MobieTrain now in GCC!

  • Reading time:3 mins read

The Micro-Learning & Gamification app and the winners of UNLEASH 2018 now have a home base in Dubai through their exclusive partnership with Hamilton Resourcing MENA.

Did you know that 80% of knowledge from traditional training is forgotten after 30 days?” asks Guy Van Neck, Founder of MobieTrain. “In an increasingly competitive work climate, we’re putting more and more emphasis on empowering our employees and providing an outstanding customer experience. Knowledge is at the core of this empowerment, but the way that it’s currently being delivered just isn’t working. So we’re here to change that.”

What is micro-learning?

Micro-learning is bite-sized training content, offering just the right amount of knowledge to help a learner achieve a specific, actionable objective. In MobieTrain’s case, employees are provided with 5 minutes of mobile-training daily. Not only does this improve engagement and avoid knowledge overload, it is also proven to improve knowledge retention. Meaning that employees are more able to use this knowledge to boost sales, productivity and customer experience, while easily being able to fit it into their working day.

“We’re thrilled to be putting micro-learning on the map by winning UNLEASH’s competition. Micro-learning is the best way for the mobile workforce to not just learn, but use that knowledge to make a real impact. And for just 5 minutes a day, engagement rates are sky high.”  says Guy Van Neck, Founder of MobieTrain.

How does it help with Employee engagement?

Gamification plays a big part in this. And we’re not just talking leaderboards and badges. MobieTrain demonstrates that a key to increasing success is an understanding of how to intrinsically motivate learners, beyond a need to just compete with colleagues.

This is achieved through personalisation. Visual learning paths and personal profiles show each individual user how they are progressing, and in-app messages and badges keep them engaged at key points. And their planned integration of AI in the coming months will drive this personalisation even further.

Variety of content is also key. As a mobile generation, we are now used to consuming a vast amount of content on a daily basis. So businesses need to keep their training content interesting. This includes video, animations, interactivity and quizzes. Delivered on any mobile device to access at anytime.

Who will benefit from this technology?

Organizations which have a large multi-site footprint who need to provide their front-line team members with brand & product knowledge and updates to increase engagement and productivity with their teams.